Well now that we have a New Year, many of us will be making a resolution of some sort. Normally I try and do that, but this pandemic has still made that harder. I usually make a goal to drop some pounds. I am heavier than I have been in quite some time. Do not really have the ability to exercise. Probably need to make better choices with food. :)
Most people can't keep their New Year's resolutions. Why you may ask? According to research, most of the times we set a resolution that isn't realistic. You can click HERE to find examples.
2021 is going to be different than 2020. Obviously. We may have to hang on a little longer. Vaccine rollouts have not gone as smoothly as planned. Lots of business are still struggling. We can't be as social as we want to be. I have chosen to be a bit more of a recluse than I normally would. Focus on my job, my podcast, and yes, my website. I do fear getting sick, as many of my co-workers have who have not taken this pandemic as seriously. Luckily for me, I have not been infected with Covid 19. And I am taking every step I can to make sure I don't get it.
I do have one New Years resolution that I think will serve me well. I have tried to cut out people from my life and social media that do not have a positive impact on my life. That does include some family and friends that I have known for a long time. The reasons are my own, but in this difficult time, you need to connect with people who are more willing to spread positivity and warmth and love, than negativity and division. It is that simple and I know that will continue for me in 2021. I already see an improvement in my life and I encourage you all to do the same.
So stay safe, be good to one another, and try and spread positivity. Talk to you soon and good luck with your resolutions for 2021!