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Tim Thomas

National Thrift Shop Day! Shop There!

Today is National Thrift Shop Day. What defines a Thrift Shop? A store selling secondhand clothes and other household goods, typically to raise funds for a charitable institution. Many of these places are often a great place to shop and find some amazing deals and cool stuff.

As someone who has moved a fair amount in my life, I have found that thrift stores can be a wonderful resource to pick up simple things like glassware, dishes, ice cube trays and occasionally, a nice piece of furniture. But one of the best things to shop for...clothes!

In this day and age, more of us are on a budget. I for one, fall into this category. And since my weight has also fluctuated so much, to find pants, jeans, suits, or shirts at cheap prices is certainly a plus. Cheap clothes are just one of the positive things that can come from shopping at a thrift store.

You can help the environment. It is a great place to go for costumes for Halloween or for a local community theater. Need a "Far From Home" item? Or emergency clothing? Thrift shops help there too. And they certainly help local communities.

If you have some clothes that you do not wear anymore, electronics that perhaps could be given to someone who could use them, or just want to de-hoard your home, then please donate them to a local thrift shop. And do some shopping while you are there. I have found clothing, music, and some people have found items that have turned out to be worth a lot of money. You just never know. But support them in any way you can. They can be a valuable resource. And a lot of fun, too. #NationalThriftShopDay

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